Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Thank you, Father, for my husband. Today is our wedding anniversary. Fourteen years married, thirty-two years together. Through all of our years, thank you for all you taught us, and that you brought us to this day.

Yes, thank you for giving me my husband. Thank you for changing both of our hearts over the years, to recognize you and to follow you. We are blessed because we see you. Help us to now show you to others. That is the highest wish I can wish for the rest of our lives, and our marriage.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Day

January 1, 2008
The first day of a new calendar year. It just doesn't feel as momentous as it used to. That's because I rejoice at the beginning of each new day. Every dawn is a new beginning. Every day is a day that the Lord has made and I rejoice in it.

So no big New Year's resolutions for me. I only thank God for this day. I submit my very self, my very life to God this day. I pray for my loved ones, and my enemies, this day. And every day.

Thank you God.