Monday, November 22, 2010

Be the Book

Once again I'm thinking about my unfinished book about God.  My ongoing work-in-progress.  It's intended as "an introduction to God" for those who don't know Him but are willing to hear about Him.  (Inspired by a friend who said she doesn't really believe, but would be willing to "keep an open mind" if I wrote something.)

Anyway, I've started it three times over the last five or six years.  The title has changed four times.  I write some, then give it a rest, then read it back, scrap a lot of it, and start again.

I do want to finish it (as if a book about God could ever be finished!) but it occurs to me that before I can write the book, I have to be the book.  If I'm rightly related to God, then people should be able to look at me and read what God has written on my heart. 

Lord, help me today to be Your living, walking book.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Written On Our Hearts

Long ago God promised that with his "new covenant", he would write his laws directly on our hearts and minds.  He promised that we wouldn't have to inquire of anyone about Him, because we would have his laws imprinted within us.

I believe He has done it.  I believe everyone knows what's right and wrong because it is written on their hearts.

I believe that we embark on the road to hell when we choose to ignore what is written on our hearts by God himself.  When we choose "the world", when we choose greed, when we choose to win at all costs, we are choosing various forms of death.

So choose Life.  Take a look inside your heart and read what's there.  There is your happiness.
There is Real Life.