How many times have I heard someone say, "Then he saw the light"? Sometimes it just refers to someone finally realizing something. But more often it refers to someone finding God. Finding Jesus. I never thought much about this old saying until the other day when I was reading my Bible. Jesus said "I am the light of the world." And that's exactly right. Whether we realize it or not, even if we think we have a perfectly nice life, we are living in darkness until we "see the light". Blessed are those who do. Because Jesus will shine that light right into you and fill you up with it until you are radiating that light to others. In fact, in the sermon on the mount, Jesus also told his disciples, "You are the light of the world." Because they believed in him, followed him, and obeyed his teaching.
I know that in my own life there are two parts: the part when I lived in darkness (feeling incomplete, guilty, and insecure), and now this part, living in the Light. Feeling hopeful, joyous, loved. I used to feel great regret for all the years lost in darkness, but now I simply thank God for Light. And I realize that my dark years have given me an insight into other people's lives, and perhaps a compassion I might not otherwise have. And I rejoice that our great God has removed my transgressions from me "as far as the East is from the West". Hallelujah!
Dear God, I pray for all who are in darkness today. I pray that they all will see the Light.