Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Always enough

This thought popped into my head this morning: "There is always enough."
We do not just "channel" the living waters of the spirit of God. When we believe Jesus Christ, springs of living water well up in us. We fill up with those living waters until we overflow, and that overflow is what we extend to others. We can never run dry because the Spring is right within us. We need never hold back. There is always enough.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Church of Every Day

A church without walls is what I seek. The fellowship of souls praising and worshipping, giving thanks and allegiance to God the Father, without concern for the trappings of stained glass, stages, and expensive PA systems.

I've heard of the K.I.S.S. principle, which means "Keep It Simple Stupid". I'd like to "Keep It Simple Saint". May all the saints remember that we are saints NOT because we are good but because God is good.

God is not impressed with expensive sound systems, nor finely upholstered pews, nor elegant speeches that reveal only the eloquence of the speaker.

The church of every day is what I seek. The connecting of souls as we meet in the supermarket or the Post Office and offer each other the love of Christ. If the apostle Paul is right, that everyone including the heathen really do know God deep in their hearts, then I hope that Christ-love offered in the simplest way will touch that deeply buried knowledge and pluck it like a string, so that the knowledge of God begins to resonate in their hearts, and becomes the music of Heaven, clearly heard and impossible to ignore.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I don't know if we each have some pre-ordained "purpose" the way some people insist. Maybe we do. But I think EVERYONE'S purpose is to stay so close to God that we are prepared to do whatever presents itself at any moment. To do the thing right before us. Hold a door for someone, let someone ahead of us in the grocery line, smile at someone who looks miserable, answer with a silent prayer when someone is nasty to us, bless instead of curse, pray instead of shout, keep still instead of gossiping, offer mercy instead of judgment. All these things are our "purpose" which is the directive Christ gave us over and over: "Love one another as I have loved you."
Mother Teresa said "We cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."