Saturday, July 30, 2011

What is True?

Just when I find one more answer, I have twenty more questions.
Is the Bible all true? 
Yes, the Bible is all true.
Is it all literal?  All factual?
Ah, there's the question.
True it is.  But Truth is bigger than facts. 
I can't just go knee-deep into the Bible and take it at the literal level.
I have to jump in and totally immerse myself in it to see the Truth it reveals.
If everything we need to know is written down in the Bible, then why did Jesus send the Holy Spirit to explain more to us?  To teach us more about Him? 
I think we make a big mistake when we take the Bible so literally that we are afraid to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and learn more.  And that's More with a capital M.  Divine More. 
I never doubt where the Bible points.  It points to God, the Creator, the one and only God of the universe.
And the entire Bible leads us to Jesus, who shows us the very nature of God. 
I once heard a Christian radio show where the famous host made a statement I'll never forget.  He said, concerning the Bible, "Focus on the essentials, not the incidentals."
