I must keep reminding myself,
God is not my personal Genie.
I don't get to keep Him for myself
to tend to my personal needs
and be at the top of His to-do list.
God's blessings are not just for me.
Christ died to make sure that God is
for everyone.
And while it is true that we are all
beloved by God,
none of us is "special" to Him.
If we believe we are "special"
then we don't know God at all.
Lord help me to remember that.
Help me to treat all your children with
the same Love and Mercy that You do.
Thanksgiving indeed.
Thank you Lord for the most precious blessing of all.
That You are.
Your name is "I am that I am".
Thank you for being.
Nudges from God and My Word for 2019
6 years ago