Please pray. Pray all the time, whatever the circumstance, whatever the obstacle, whatever the blessing. Just pray. Thank God, ask God, surrender to God, be sure of God.
Next time something is going on that you feel powerless to help, like a family member who is ill or grieving, a friend who is far away and lonely, a war that seems endless and win-less, just pray. Don't sigh and think, "Oh dear I guess all I can do is pray". Instead take a deep breath and realize that praying is exactly what to do, what will help the most. You may have heard the expression, "prayer changes things". That's not just a nice sentiment. It's the Truth. When we pray with absolute faith in the One who hears, prayer actually does change things. Not always in ways we immediately see or understand, but it always changes things for the better. Always.
Don't get me wrong. If you are with someone who is choking, by all means give the Heimlich maneuver. If you are present when someone is having a heart attack and you know CPR, please give it to them. If you can act, please do. These are gifts expressed in action. But having done it, still don't forget to pray. And if you are not there to act, then pray because that is your act.
I just felt a prompting to say this today. Thank you God for always hearing our prayers and always acting on them. Even when we can't see it.
Nudges from God and My Word for 2019
6 years ago
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