In most any life situation or challenge, making a decision is the hardest part. Buy or rent? Say yes to marriage? Accept the job offer or hope for a better one? During this decision-making process is when we lose sleep. We carry on conversations in our head. We consider all the pros and cons. We berate ourselves for not deciding. But what if we make the wrong decision?
But it seems, at least to me, that once a decision has been made, things get considerably easier. Right or wrong, you get to get on with it.
That's the way it is with the decision to ask Christ into your life. My own decision about that was long in coming. My arguments went something like this: "I'm not good enough. I still smoke and have other bad habits I need to stop before I'm worthy of Christ. I'll have to start acting all pious. I'll have to become a member of their 'club'. I'll be scrutinized to see whether I 'walk the walk' once I make this decision." And on and on. Finally when my life became intolerable I simply got down on my knees and did it. I asked Christ in and surrendered, not knowing how it would play out.
The short story is that once I made the decision, I got immediate relief. Things got better. I got better. One by one the bad habits fell away. Not all at once by any means, but they lost their appeal and circumstances magically changed so that it was easier for me to become better.
I guess my point is there will always be decisions to make, but don't waste your time arguing with yourself about this one: ask Christ to enter in. He will immediately come. And He will begin making the changes in you that you cannot make in yourself. Don't worry that you're not good enough. It's like cleaning your house before the maid comes. That's her job. And that's His job.
Nudges from God and My Word for 2019
6 years ago
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